Tendonitis (“tendinitis”) is an inflammatory condition affecting the tendons, which are thick cords of tissue that attach muscles to bones. Tendons are responsible for transmitting the force generated by the muscles to the bones, allowing movement of the joints.
Tendonitis occurs when the tendons become irritated or inflamed due to overuse, injury, or aging. It can affect any tendon in the body, but it is most common in the shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, and ankles.
Symptoms of tendonitis may include pain, stiffness, swelling, and tenderness in the affected area. The pain may be sharp or dull and worsen with movement or activity. In severe cases, the affected tendon may rupture or tear, which may require surgery to repair.
Tendonitis is usually caused by repetitive or overuse of a particular tendon, leading to irritation and inflammation. Some common causes of tendonitis include:
Certain activities or motions that involve repetitive movements can cause tendonitis. This is commonly seen in people who perform jobs or activities requiring them to repeatedly perform the same action, such as carpenters, painters, or athletes.
Overuse of a tendon can also lead to tendonitis. This is commonly seen in athletes who train too hard or frequently without proper rest and recovery time.
Tendons can become weaker and less flexible as we age, making them more prone to injury and inflammation.
Poor technique or form while performing physical activities can put excess stress on tendons, leading to tendonitis.
A sudden injury or trauma to a tendon, such as a fall or direct blow, can also lead to tendonitis.
Certain conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, or diabetes, can increase the risk of developing tendonitis.
It is important to note that some people may be more prone to developing tendonitis than others based on age, physical fitness, and genetics.
To reduce the risk of developing tendonitis, you can take the following steps:
Whether sitting at a desk or performing a physical activity, ensure your posture and body mechanics are correct. Avoid overloading your tendons by maintaining proper form and avoiding awkward or repetitive movements.
If you are starting a new exercise program, gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts over time rather than jumping into high-impact or high-intensity activities too quickly.
Wearing proper shoes with good arch support and shock absorption can help reduce the strain on your tendons.
If you spend much time sitting or performing repetitive tasks, take frequent breaks to stretch and move around. This can help prevent overuse injuries.
Excess weight can stress your tendons and joints, increasing the risk of injury. Maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce this risk.
Make sure you are using the right equipment for the activity you are performing, whether it’s a racket for tennis or a bike with the right fit for cycling.
These precautions can help reduce the risk of developing tendonitis and other overuse injuries.
Treatment for tendonitis typically involves resting the affected area, applying ice or heat, taking pain relievers, and doing exercises to stretch and strengthen the affected tendon.
In some cases, physical therapy or corticosteroid injections may also be recommended. With proper treatment and rest, most people with tendonitis can recover fully and return to their normal activities.